This past weekend my niece graduated from High School! I was so excited to witness this wonderful milestone! She is my first niece, being now 18 years old! Time really does fly! It was so fun to be there and see her walk across that stage. Both of her parents (my brother and sister-in-law) along with my sister and myself graduated from the same high school, which made it even more special. She has a sister who wil graduate from there next year! We were all hooting and hollaring so much, we nearly got thrown out! My other niece did get her air horn taken away! No matter though, because my brother brought 15 of them! We blew horns, yelled and screamed the whole time she walked across the stage! What fun! I also continuted to yell when they mentioned alumni and how awesome that school is!
Congratulations to my niece, Alexia. I hope she makes some wise decisions and takes full advantage of her bright future!
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