Friday, July 30, 2010

This Moment inspired by LittleBird by FuNkY MoMmY

Happy Friday!! This moment - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see. Have a lovely weekend and thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lost Power

This weekend was a pretty rough one! We lost power, due to tornado-warning storms that came thru Saturday night. The power was off from 9:30pm til 5:30am. We had gone to a car show that night and sat in the heat for a few hours! Luckily, that made me tired and I was able to sleep with the tiny fan Brian hooked up for us! Then we lost power again on Sunday, around 1:30pm til 1:30 am... yea 12 hours. I was getting a little worried about our refridgerator and freezer, but Brian assured me things would be fine. I tried to sleep, but the heat seemed worse that night! Everything seems fine now... they came and repaired the lines that we saw sagging. I am just glad we didn't have a longer outage or that it wasn't a 80 degree night!
Here is a pic of the car at the show (I don't like pics of the hood open, but they like you to do it at the show) and one of the heart shape my flashlight made!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Brian's Family Reunion

So, last Saturday we went to the annual McCormick Family Reunion. This is Brian's mom's side of the family. We had a good time, it was at our local park in Bloomsburg, PA. The weather was very hot, but luckily we had a big pavillion and a lot of trees to help out. I believe this is the 4th reunion I have been to. The best part of the reunion is visiting with some cousins from SC. They are the nicest people and we hope to go visit them this September, if I can remember to remind Brian!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Been missing

So, I started this page about 2 weeks ago. I feel like I have already lost interest. I was hoping this would be a good thing for me to do. I was to afraid to write to much. Are blogs supposed to be all happy? If so, I don't think I can keep up!
I went to NJ for the Fourth of July. My husband and I go every year to see my family and enjoy a wonderful party put on by my uncle and aunt. We always have a good time. I was supposed to stay longer this year and my hubby was going home. Unfortunately, the "friend" who was supposed to pick me up (as she was also visiting family in NJ) decided to -once again- forget about me. The good news is, we had a great time at the party and also fit in a visit with my uncle Mike and his dogs. We also got in a good few hours at the mall. Brian found some sneakers and I got my mom a t-shirt from Old Navy. We do not have very good shopping locally, so this was a great find!
I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July... even if it was almost 2 weeks ago! I will hopefully be able to post something more happy tomorrow!
have a wonderful evening!